I have an app using the VIPER
My LoginViewController
is presented, some actions take place and the view is dismissed.
I'd like to assert that when LoginPresenter
invokes dismissViewController
within my LoginRouter
, the view is dismissed.
I have a UITest
that covers this behave however I have a code coverage issue within my CI Pipeline and a UITest
is not enough to cut it.
I'd like to assert on the behaviour in code.
import UIKit
final class LoginRouter {
private var delegate: LoginRouterDelegate?
private let view: UIViewController
init(_ delegate: LoginRouterDelegate?, view: UIViewController) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.view = view
extension LoginRouter: LoginRouterType {
func dismissViewController() {
view.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
Use the DismissalVerifier
from ViewControllerPresentationSpy. On the README description, scroll down to "How do I test dismissing a modal?"