I am using composite charts to see the unfiltered data, but I want to hide sometimes the unfiltered data and make the 'y' axis elastic. Hiding the unfiltered data wasn't hard, just an event listener on chart, but I can't make possible the elasticity on 'y' axis, when the unfiltered data is hidden. Perhaps it's not even possible in a case like this. Any ideas?
chart.select('.unfiltered_data').on('change', function() {
if(!this.checked) {
console.log("Stop showing unfiltered data!")
.attr('visibility', 'hidden')
// chart.elasticY(true)
else {
console.log("Show unfiltered data!")
.attr('visibility', 'visible')
// chart.elasticY(false)
There is (almost) always a way to do it in dc.js, because dc.js is a leaky abstraction by design!
First I tried to change which child charts are included in each composite chart, but that wasn't the right approach because a composite chart's children can't be changed on a redraw, only on a render. And we want to animate when switching between showing the unfiltered and not showing.
So instead I thought we could
ideaSo I added a checkbox
<label><input type="checkbox" id="unfiltered" name="unfiltered" checked> Show Unfiltered</label>
and a global variable
var show_unfiltered = true;
The handler looks like this:
function ydomain_from_child1(chart) {
chart.y().domain([0, chart.children()[1].yAxisMax()]);
d3.select('#unfiltered').on('change', function() {
show_unfiltered = this.checked;
charts.forEach(chart => {
chart.select('.sub._0').attr('visibility', show_unfiltered ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
if(!show_unfiltered) {
chart.on('preRedraw.hide-unfiltered', ydomain_from_child1);
else {
chart.on('preRedraw.hide-unfiltered', null);
Whenever the checkbox is toggled, we turn on or off elasticY
based on the setting. When the unfiltered are not shown, we'll simulate elasticY
with a preRedraw handler which determines the domain from the second (filtered) child chart.
Additionally, we turn on/off the red color scheme for the filtered chart based on the checkbox.
I have added this to the compare unfiltered example.
I found I had to make one more change: the filtered chart was hidden when there were no filters. So I had to disable this hiding if the unfiltered was unchecked:
var any_filters = !show_unfiltered || charts.some(chart => chart.filters().length);
.attr('visibility', any_filters ? 'visible' : 'hidden')