I tried to configure PgAdmin4 to use debug, following the manual, but something did not work, because an error as shown in this screenshot occurs:
I changed postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = ‘$ libdir / other_libraries / plugin_debugger’
How should I install the requested pldbgapi extension on Linux / Ubuntu?
Thanks for any help.
To install an extension in a particular database, as it's requesting here, you need to either use the CREATE EXTENSION command in that database, or use PgAdmin 4's interface to install it.
Command method: Through whichever tool you wish, where you enter regular SQL commands, connect to the relevant database in question and run:
Or, in PgAdmin 4, open up the nodes for the database you want to install this extension for, right-click on "Extensions", then select Create > Extension... Now select pldbgapi from the drop-down list next to "Name" and click "Save".
You will need to repeat this process if you need the extension in additional databases within your cluster.
Disclosure: I am an EnterpriseDB (EDB) employee