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How to read ssh keys from vault and write to file with salt

I hope someone can help me 🙂.

I have stored ssh keys in vault as a secret. With saltstack config I am reading the secret with a pillar. Like this

  {% set sshkey = salt['vault'].read_secret('super/secret/sshinfo', 'slackbot') %}
  sshkey: | 
    {{ sshkey | indent(4) }}

And init.sls file looks like this:

{% set docker_config = pillar['docker'] %}
        - name: /root/.ssh/slack-bot
        - contents: {{ docker_config.sshkey }}
        - mode: 400
        - user: root

Which works great and I get the ssh key by typing salt-call pillar.items

However, when I run salt-call state.apply I get the following error message

    Data failed to compile:
    Rendering SLS 'base:docker' failed: could not find expected ':'

Which is driving me nuts!

I read Mulitline string on Github that in order to write mulitline with salt you need to have | indent(4) (as an example).

Does someone have any ideas? Would be much appreciated 🙂


  • So, after a while I tried to change indent(4) to indent(5), but it didn't gave up the error. So I also tried to change content to be

      - contents: |
        {{ docker_config.sshkey | indent(5) }}

    Which fixed the problem and is now working.

    Hope anyone who has similar problems find this useful.
