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How to install files in Yocto

I wrote Yocto recipe for library and try to install to image.

When I run command "bitbake myproject" I get follow error:

ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: sxe: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.
sxe: 55 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]
ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: Fatal QA errors found, failing task.
ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: Function failed: do_package
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/local/SWTECNN/rkhairulin/imx-yocto-bspIII/build-wayland-imx8qmmekII/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/sxe/0.1-r0/temp/log.do_package.32253
ERROR: Task (/home/local/SWTECNN/rkhairulin/imx-yocto-bspIII/sources/meta-sxe/recipes-example/example/ failed with exit code '1'

How can I fix the issue? What should I add to the ricpe?


  • By default, package with recipe name contains following files (see here):

         FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/* ${libexecdir}/* ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS} \
                     ${sysconfdir} ${sharedstatedir} ${localstatedir} \
                     ${base_bindir}/* ${base_sbindir}/* \
                     ${base_libdir}/*${SOLIBS} \
                     ${base_prefix}/lib/udev/rules.d ${prefix}/lib/udev/rules.d \
                     ${datadir}/${BPN} ${libdir}/${BPN}/* \
                     ${datadir}/pixmaps ${datadir}/applications \
                     ${datadir}/idl ${datadir}/omf ${datadir}/sounds \

    So files in /usr/share/sxm and /sxe are created in ${D} deploy folder, but they are not added to any package.

    You have to add this line to your recipe (see here):

    FILES_${PN} += "/sxe ${datadir}/sxm" 

    Note /usr/share is defined as ${datadir}

    If you don't need those files you can remove them from ${D}:

         rm -r ${D}/sxe
         rm -r ${D}/${datadir}/sxm