I'm trying to draw a graph with plotly libraries and I want to set a specific width of each line.
This is my code.
x_link = [125, 257, None, 125, 787, None]
y_link = [383, 588, None, 383, 212, None]
z_link = [65, 85, None, 65, 526, None]
link_size = [3,6]
trace1= go.Scatter3d(
x = x_link,
y = y_link,
z = z_link,
But it raises this error.
Invalid value of type 'builtins.list' received for the 'width' property of scatter3d.line Received value: [3, 6]
The 'width' property is a number and may be specified as: - An int or float in the interval [0, inf]
So, is there a way to set the specific width of each line?
Thank you.
You're going to have to add individual traces for your dataset to do this since line=dict(width)
only takes one single argument and not an array of some sort. And that can be a lot of work for larger datasets. But If you change your dataset from lists to a list of lists, you can take even more datapoints into account. So with a little data manipulation you can turn this:
x_link = [125, 257, None, 125, 787, None]
y_link = [383, 588, None, 383, 212, None]
z_link = [65, 85, None, 65, 526, None]
into this:
x_link = [[125, 257, None], [125, 787, None]]
y_link = [[383, 588, None], [383, 212, None]]
z_link = [[65, 85, None], [65, 526, None]]
and run this code:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
x_link = [[125, 257, None], [125, 787, None]]
y_link = [[383, 588, None], [383, 212, None]]
z_link = [[65, 85, None], [65, 526, None]]
# figure formatting
colors=['red', 'green']
link_size = [2,12]
# make multiple traces
for i in range(0, len(x_link)):
traces['trace_' + str(i)]=go.Scatter3d(x = x_link[i],
y = y_link[i],
z = z_link[i],
# build and plot figure
to get this plot: