I'm using kotlinx.serialization in conjunction with retrofit. The json response that I receive will vary in terms of what attributes it will contain. In most cases, the data model in my app has more fields than I will receive in the response. I cannot control this, so I need to handle it in code.
Kotlinx.serialization throws a MissingFieldException
in such cases. I know that when using Json.parse
you can wrap it in a try-catch block and ignore such errors. But since I am using Retrofit, I don't see a way to use that approach:
interface WebService {
fun getPerson(): Call<MainActivity.Person>
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
data class Person(val name: String, val species: String, val missing: String)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val mediaType = "application/json".toMediaTypeOrNull()
mediaType?.let {
retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
webService = retrofit.create(WebService::class.java)
GlobalScope.launch {
val person = fetchPerson(webService)
private suspend fun fetchPerson(webService: WebService): Person {
return suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
.enqueue(object : Callback<Person> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Person>, t: Throwable) {
Log.e(t.toString(), "Unable to get api response")
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<Person>,
response: Response<Person>
) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
response.body()?.let { cont.resume(it) }
} else {
cont.cancel(IOException("${response.code()}: ${response.errorBody()}"))
The json response (in this made up example) intentionally omits the 'missing' field:
{"name":"me", "species":"superhuman"}
Since that json does not contain the missing
field from the data class, the app crashes and throws the MissingFieldException
. I'm wondering how to avoid this issue in the Retrofit case.
Thanks for any help.
Actually it can't create Person
object from json as your Person
class constructor wants 3 value. You have to fulfill this requirement to create object.
One possible solution to resolve this is to use default value in Kotlin like this:
data class Person(
var name: String="",
var species: String="",
var missing: String="")
Another solution is to use multiple constructor with varying no of parameters but since you mentioned it may differ over time, so this solution may not handy. Thanks