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Handling Kotlin Serialization MissingFieldException with Retrofit

I'm using kotlinx.serialization in conjunction with retrofit. The json response that I receive will vary in terms of what attributes it will contain. In most cases, the data model in my app has more fields than I will receive in the response. I cannot control this, so I need to handle it in code.

Kotlinx.serialization throws a MissingFieldException in such cases. I know that when using Json.parse you can wrap it in a try-catch block and ignore such errors. But since I am using Retrofit, I don't see a way to use that approach:


interface WebService {
    fun getPerson(): Call<MainActivity.Person>


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    data class Person(val name: String, val species: String, val missing: String)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val mediaType = "application/json".toMediaTypeOrNull()
        mediaType?.let {
            retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

        webService = retrofit.create(

        GlobalScope.launch {
            val person = fetchPerson(webService)

    private suspend fun fetchPerson(webService: WebService): Person {
        return suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
                .enqueue(object : Callback<Person> {
                    override fun onFailure(call: Call<Person>, t: Throwable) {
                        Log.e(t.toString(), "Unable to get api response")

                    override fun onResponse(
                        call: Call<Person>,
                        response: Response<Person>
                    ) {
                        if (response.isSuccessful) {
                            response.body()?.let { cont.resume(it) }
                        } else {
                            cont.cancel(IOException("${response.code()}: ${response.errorBody()}"))

The json response (in this made up example) intentionally omits the 'missing' field:

{"name":"me", "species":"superhuman"}

Since that json does not contain the missing field from the data class, the app crashes and throws the MissingFieldException. I'm wondering how to avoid this issue in the Retrofit case.

Thanks for any help.


  • Actually it can't create Person object from json as your Person class constructor wants 3 value. You have to fulfill this requirement to create object.

    One possible solution to resolve this is to use default value in Kotlin like this:

    data class Person(
        var name: String="", 
        var species: String="", 
        var missing: String="") 

    Another solution is to use multiple constructor with varying no of parameters but since you mentioned it may differ over time, so this solution may not handy. Thanks