I am trying to make it such that whenever I select a sublabel, the script automatically applies the parent label to the same email every day. To do this, I've obtained the following code from github:
function IsSoftLabel( str )
var suffix = '-';
return str.indexOf( suffix, str.length - suffix.length ) !== -1;
function ApplyHierarchicalLabels()
var userLabels = GmailApp.getUserLabels();
var threadCount = 0;
Logger.log( "Applying Gmail hierarchical labels" );
for( var labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < userLabels.length; ++labelIndex )
var label = userLabels[ labelIndex ];
var labelPath = label.getName().split( '/' );
for( var pathIndex = labelPath.length; pathIndex > 1; --pathIndex )
if( threadCount > THREAD_COUNT_LIMIT )
var childName = labelPath.slice( 0, pathIndex ).join( '/' );
if( IsSoftLabel( childName ) )
var parentIndex = pathIndex;
var parentName = labelPath.slice( 0, parentIndex ).join( '/' );
} while( IsSoftLabel( parentName ) )
var parentLabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName( parentName );
if( !parentLabel )
var threads = GmailApp.search( "label:" + childName + " -label:" + parentName, 0, THREAD_COUNT_LIMIT );
for( var threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threads.length; ++threadIndex )
var thread = threads[ threadIndex ];
thread.addLabel( parentLabel );
var subject = thread.getFirstMessageSubject();
Logger.log( "Added label '" + parentName + "' to thread: " + subject.substring( 0, 32 ) + ( subject.length > 32 ? "..." : "" ) );
Logger.log( "Applied labels over " + threadCount + " thread(s)" );
However, when I execute it, it says it ran successfully when my email is unchanged. Please help as I do not have a background with javascript.
The script ran for only 50 of my emails. To get it to run on all my emails, I simply had to add a time-based trigger to run the script every minute until all my emails were correctly labelled. Nothing wrong with the script.