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Rails class-table inheritance gem, faux-inheritance, and missing methods

I'm working on modifying part of an existing Rails app to use the Class-Table-Inheritance gem ( All's well, except that I have defined some instance methods in my superclass -- Person, which all subclasses need to be able to access. For instance, full_name, which returns the concatenated first and last names, or cite_name, which returns the first initial and last name. Since the CTI gem doesn't actually use Ruby inheritance (all subclasses still inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, and the gem does some funky voodoo to link the ActiveRecord fields together), I can't access these methods in the subclasses I've created. Any thoughts on working around this? I'm not interested in STI, but I'm willing to either fork and hack on this particular CTI gem, or look at other solutions.


  • try, it's based on CITIEsForRAILS, I forked it & put it through rapid development and various other changes. It fixes most, if not all the bugs it had and works so simply.