I hope you are well. I am currently creating a customUI ribbon in powerpoint and am facing some troubles with the followings with is not appearing in the ribbon:
<button idMso="TextBoxInsert" visible="true"/>
<button idMso="Font" visible="true"/>
<button idMso="FontSize" visible="true"/>
<button idMso="ShapeHeight" visible="true" showLabel="true"/>
<button idMso="ShapeWidth" visible="true" showLabel="true"/>
I have through Microsoft documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_standards/ms-customui/f2a8e3c0-14cb-4ad3-88cd-a8b5b1b9a8a0
And tried the following which made the whole Ribbon deseappered:
<tooglebutton idMso="TextBoxInsert" visible="true"/>
<combobox idMso="Font" visible="true"/>
<comboboxidMso="FontSize" visible="true"/>
<combobox idMso="ShapeHeight" visible="true" showLabel="true"/>
<combobox idMso="ShapeWidth" visible="true" showLabel="true"/>
After few tries I still not understand the error nor found a way to fix it.
Does anybody has a idea on it? Kind regards, Naxos
Correct tooglebutton to togglebutton. Add a space between the second combobox and the word idMso. ShapeHeight and ShapeWidth are both controls, not comboboxes.
When you're new to editing XML, start with an known good arrangement, make one change, then test. Repeat. Otherwise it's very difficult to identify where an error might be.