Here's my scenario. I have set up an instance of Postgres DB running in the Google SQL cloud. It's up and running and if I whitelist my local IP, I can connect directly with no issue.
I then have deployed a docker container (postGrest) which is a web server that connects to the postgres DB. When I configured this on Google Cloud Run, it did have a drop-down option where I could specify DB connectivity and it says that, behind the scenes, it configures Cloud SQL Proxy for this connection.
The container allows environment variables to be passed in to specify which server, etc. One required parameter is the DB_URI to the postgred instance. When running locally, it looks like this:
When I tried to configure this on the cloud version I tried using the IP (The google cloud SQL proxy documentation says this is how you connect via the proxy). This didn't work.
I then tried using the public-ip assigned to the postgres DB....this didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to specify the correct connection string using this DB_URI format?
Cloud Run does not support connecting to Cloud SQL using IP addresses. This means
will not work. Cloud Run uses Unix Sockets. You must use a connection string.
The Cloud SQL Proxy connection string looks like this:
You can get the instanceid
from the Cloud SQL Instance Details page in the console.
You will also need to add permissions to your Cloud Run service account to access Cloud SQL. You will need at least Cloud SQL Client