I am trying to make a component that has a multi select dropdown. when I create an instance of this component i want to pass it a list of objects (in my case ICatagory) to show as the options. I also want to pass it a list of that same object(in my case ICatagory) as the preselected values.
So far I can pass it the list of objects and it will show it as the options, I am also able to pass it the preSelected values I want. however even though I can pass the preSelected, it does not show these values as selected.
This is the stackblitz i made to clarify. NOTE: when it loads there is nothing selected. I want the preSelected values to be selected on creation.
still somewhat new to Angular so forgive any anti convention patterns you see.
All, I was able to figure it out.
there is something called [compareWith] that goes in your
^^^stack blitz with solution.^^^
code diffrence. in my-drop-down.html i added :
into the mat-select
in my-drop-down.ts i added :
if(obj1 != undefined && obj2 != undefined){
return obj1.id === obj2.id;
this was able to preSelect the options as objects.
if anyone has a better answer im open ears.