I'm trying to find a way to keep track of all of my checked items within the ListView
from the CheckBoxes.
I'm currently creating my custom adapter to handle everything but being able to keep track of all of my checked items so that I can later delete the checked items via a button press.
I'm not sure how to quite handle it. I've spent a few hours Googling on how to do it but most of it uses Java and I'm not sure on how to properly translate it's usage into Kotlin or even if it'd be applicable for my android app. If anyone could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated
DSArrayAdapter.kt - My Custom Array Adapter:
class DSArrayAdapter(context: Context, resource: Int, list: ArrayList<Contacts>) : ArrayAdapter<Contacts>(context, resource, list) {
private val inflater: LayoutInflater = context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup) : View {
val rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_listview, null)
val item_name = rowView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.contact_name)
val item_checkbox = rowView.findViewById<CheckBox>(R.id.checked)
val contact = getItem(position) as Contacts
contact.cchecked = !contact.cchecked
item_checkbox.isChecked = contact.cchecked
return rowView
Contacts.kt - My Class to hold properties of my contacts entries:
class Contacts(val cname: String, val cphone: Int, val cchecked: Boolean) {
It seems the object Contacts
already have a field to track if the item is checked or not. So, you can use as follows:
First, make cchecked
variable. This way, it can be changed.
// cchecked must be var so you can change between checked/unchecked
class Contacts(val cname: String, val cphone: Int, var cchecked: Boolean) {
Then, in the adapter:
class DSArrayAdapter(context: Context, resource: Int, list: ArrayList<Contacts>) : ArrayAdapter<Contacts>(context, resource, list) {
private val inflater: LayoutInflater = context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup) : View {
val rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_listview, null)
val item_name = rowView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.contact_name)
val item_checkbox = rowView.findViewById<CheckBox>(R.id.checked)
val contact = getItem(position) as Contacts
// Set text
// Set checkbox state
item_checkbox.isChecked = contact.cchecked
// If does not have a click listener yet, set one.
// View will be re-used. So, you don't need to set a listener everytime
if(!item_checkbox.hasOnClickListeners()) {
item_checkbox.setOnClickListener {
// Get the old state
val contact = getItem(position) as Contacts
// Invert the old state in the contact
contact.cchecked = !contact.cchecked
// Apply the new state to the checkbox
item_checkbox.isChecked = contact.cchecked
return rowView