Search code examples

Nested Table issue in angular?

enter image description here

data = {
SolutionsDetail: [
    SolutionId: 658,
    name: "dk",
    id: 1568377327000,
    requestDetails: [
            ReqId: 2331
            ReqId: 1234
            ReqId: 5678
    groups: [
        GroupId: 1,
        requestDetails: [
            ReqId: 2331
            ReqId: 1234
            ReqId: 5678
        GroupId: 2,
        requestDetails: [
            ReqId: 2331
            ReqId: 2212
        GroupId: 3,
        requestDetails: [
            ReqId: 2331
            ReqId: 4444
            ReqId: 1111
            ReqId: 2222
] }

My working structure is displaying group and request i have requestDetails outside the group as well. i am not able to display properly as required.(Two place request details i have in json which needs to display as per snapshot.)

below mentioned code is displaying group and number of request along side.

<ng-container *ngFor="let groupRowData of data.SolutionsDetail[0].groups;"> 
  <ng-container *ngFor="let requestDetailData of groupRowData.requestDetails; let $index = index">
      <td *ngIf="$index===0;" [attr.rowspan]="groupRowData.requestDetails.length">Group {{ groupRowData.GroupId }}</td>
        {{ requestDetailData.ReqId}}


  • This is how i solved

    <table border=1>
    <ng-container *ngFor="let groupRowData of data.SolutionsDetail[0].groups;"> 
      <ng-container *ngFor="let requestDetailData of groupRowData.requestDetails; let $index = index">
          <td *ngIf="$index===0;" [attr.rowspan]="groupRowData.requestDetails.length">Group {{ groupRowData.GroupId }}</td>
            {{ requestDetailData.ReqId}}
    <ng-container  *ngFor="let RowData of data.SolutionsDetail[0].requestDetails; let $index = index">
          <td *ngIf="$index===0;" [attr.rowspan]="data.SolutionsDetail[0].requestDetails.length">NA</td>
            {{ RowData.ReqId}}