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Square Connect API | Generate Personal Access Token via API

I am using Personal Access Token from my Square Dashboard to Create Payments using the Square Connect PHP SDK.

Everything is going fine and now I read somewhere in documentation that Access Tokens expire every 30 days. So that means payments on my website will stop working after 30 days? Because I can not find any API to obtain fresh personal access token. And I don't want to manually plug in access token every 30 days.

        $api_config = new \SquareConnect\Configuration();
        $api_client = new \SquareConnect\ApiClient($api_config);        
        $payments_api = new \SquareConnect\Api\PaymentsApi($api_client);

        $request_body = array (
        "source_id" =>$data['nonce'],
        "amount_money" => array (
        "amount" => $amount,
        "currency" => $currency
        "shipping_address" => array (
            "address_line_1" => $data['address_1'],
            "address_line_2" => $data['address_2'],
            "postal_code" => $data['postal_code'],
            "country" => $data['country'],
            "first_name"  => $data['first_name'],
            "last_name" => $data['last_name'],
        "customer_id" => $transaction->user_id,
        "buyer_email_address" => $data['email'],
        "reference_id" => $transaction->id,
        "note" => $note,
        "idempotency_key" => uniqid()

P.S: Square API documentation is the most shitty documentation ever!!!


  • Personal Access Tokens never expire. If you use OAuth, then the access tokens do expire every 30 days, and you would use the ObtainToken with a refresh_token in order to generate a new access token.

    Furthermore, feel free to send your feedback about our documentation to Square's Developer Support team so we can make it better.