I have a List containing a number of Guid's.
List<Guid> recordIds = new List<Guid>;
I need to verify if the Guid's in this list are all identical.
So instead of iterating the whole list I was thinking about using some sort of:
var IdsAreIdentical = recordIds.TrueForAll(x => x == DontKnowWhatToPutHere);
My issue is that I am not really shure about the usage. Maybe somebody can put me in the right direction.
If you want to verify if all the id are the same, you could verify that all the values are the same as the first one :
bool allIdentical = recordIds.TrueForAll(i => i.Equals(recordIds.FirstOrDefault());
Another variant would be to verify the number of distinct values that you have. If the result is 1, the ids are all identicals.
var allIdentical = list.Distinct().Count() == 1;