In order to improve user experience we want the ability to have an animated movieclip of a turning wheel- and have the ability to drag and drop it anywhere on a defined area
We have built the rotating wheel as a swc file.
How do we do the drag+drop. Examples that I have seen, cater to only dropping of images. Thanks again
To use the Flex classes for drag and drop you'll need to wrap that movieClip in an a UIComponent; which has all the events related to drag and drop.
Here are some good instructions. To copy the relevant pieces:
Make a Component Draggable
- Add listener for MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
- Determine drag initiator and hand-off to DragManager
To kick off a drag-n-drop, you'll need a MouseEvent for the component to be dragged.
public function makeDraggable( component:IUIComponent ):void
// a mouseDown event will start the drag
component.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag );
public function beginDrag( mouseEvent:MouseEvent ):void
// the drag initiator is the object being dragged (target of the mouse event)
var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = mouseEvent.currentTarget as IUIComponent;
// the drag source contains data about what's being dragged
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
// ask the DragManger to begin the drag
DragManager.doDrag( dragInitiator, dragSource, mouseEvent, null );