I'm trying to emulate a simple functional language using an actor based execution model where issues arose modelling if-expression.
Actor systems nowadays are used basically for speeding up all kind of stuff by avoiding OS locks and stalled threads or to make microservices less painful, but initially it was supposed to be an alternative model of computation in general [1][2], a contemporary take on it may be propagation networks. So this should be capable to cover any programming language construct and certainly an if
, right?
While I'm aware that this is occasionally met with irritation, I saw one timid attempt to move towards recursive algorithms represented using akka actors (I've refurbished it and added further examples including the one given below). That attempt halted at function calls, but why not go further and also model operators and if conditions with actors? In fact the smalltalk language applies this model and yields a precursor of the actor concept, as has been pointed out in the accepted answers below.
Surprisingly recursive function calls aren't much of an issue, but if
1 is, due to it's potentially stateful nature.
Given the clause C: if a then x else y
, here's the problem:
My initial idea was, that C
is an actor behaving like a function with 3 parameters (a,x,y)
that returns either x
or y
depending on a
. Being maximally parallel [2] a,x
and y
would be evaluated simultaneously and passed as messages to C
. Now, this isn't really good, if C
is the exit condition of a recursive function f
, sending one branch of f
in an infinite recursion. Also if x
or y
have side effects one can't just evaluate both of them. Let's take this recursive sum (which is not the usual factorial, stupid as such and could be made tail recursive, but that's not the point)
f(n) = if n <= 0
n + f(n -1)
Note, that I'd like to create an if-expression resembling the one of Scala, see the (spec, p. 88), or Haskell, for that matter, rather than an if-statement that relies on side-effects.
would cause 3 concurrent evaluations
n <= 0
n + f(n -1)
(bad, introducing the weird behavior that the call to f(n) actually will return (yielding 0) but the evaluation of its branches continues infinitely)
I can see these options from here:
The whole computation becomes stateful and the evaluation of either x
or y
only happens after a
has been calculated (mandatory if x or y have side effects).
Some guarding mechanism gets introduced that renders x
or y
applicable for arguments outside a certain range upon the call of f
. They might evaluate to some "not applicable" marker instead of a value, which will not be used in C
anyway, since it comes from a branch which isn't relevant.
I'm not sure at this point, If I didn't miss out on the question at a fundamental level and there are obvious other approaches that I just don't see. Input appreciated :)
Btw. see this for an exhaustive list of conditional branching in different languages, without giving their semantics, and, not exhaustive, the wiki page on conditionals, with semantics, and this for a discussion how the question at hand is an issue till down to the level of hardware.
1 I'm aware that an if
could be seen as a special case of pattern matching, but then the question is, how to model the different cases of a match expression using actors. But maybe that wasn't even intended in the first place, matching is just something that every actor can do without referring to other specialized "match-actors". On the other hand it has been stated that "everything is an actor", rather confusing[2]. Btw. does anybody have a clear notion what the [#message whatever]
notation is meant to be in that paper? #
is irritatingly undefined. Maybe smalltak gives a hint, there it indicates a symbol.
There is a little bit of a misconception in your question. In functional languages, if
is not necessarily a function of three parameters. Rather, it is sometimes two functions of two parameters.
In particular, that is how the Church Encoding of Booleans works in λ-calculus: there are two functions, let's call them True
and False
. Both functions have two parameters. True
simply returns the first argument, False
simply returns the second argument.
First, let's define two functions called true
and false
. We could define them any way we want, they are completely arbitrary, but we will define them in a very special way which has some advantages as we will see later (I will use ECMAScript as a somewhat reasonable approximation of λ-calculus that is probably readable by a bigger portion of visitors to this site than λ-calculus itself):
const tru = (thn, _ ) => thn,
fls = (_ , els) => els;
is a function with two parameters which simply ignores its second argument and returns the first. fls
is also a function with two parameters which simply ignores its first argument and returns the second.
Why did we encode tru
and fls
this way? Well, this way, the two functions not only represent the two concepts of true
and false
, no, at the same time, they also represent the concept of "choice", in other words, they are also an if
expression! We evaluate the if
condition and pass it the then
block and the else
block as arguments. If the condition evaluates to tru
, it will return the then
block, if it evaluates to fls
, it will return the else
block. Here's an example:
tru(23, 42);
// => 23
This returns 23
, and this:
fls(23, 42);
// => 42
returns 42
, just as you would expect.
There is a wrinkle, however:
tru(console.log("then branch"), console.log("else branch"));
// then branch
// else branch
This prints both then branch
and else branch
! Why?
Well, it returns the return value of the first argument, but it evaluates both arguments, since ECMAScript is strict and always evaluates all arguments to a function before calling the function. IOW: it evaluates the first argument which is console.log("then branch")
, which simply returns undefined
and has the side-effect of printing then branch
to the console, and it evaluates the second argument, which also returns undefined
and prints to the console as a side-effect. Then, it returns the first undefined
In λ-calculus, where this encoding was invented, that's not a problem: λ-calculus is pure, which means it doesn't have any side-effects; therefore you would never notice that the second argument also gets evaluated. Plus, λ-calculus is lazy (or at least, it is often evaluated under normal order), meaning, it doesn't actually evaluate arguments which aren't needed. So, IOW: in λ-calculus the second argument would never be evaluated, and if it were, we wouldn't notice.
ECMAScript, however, is strict, i.e. it always evaluates all arguments. Well, actually, not always: the if
, for example, only evaluates the then
branch if the condition is true
and only evaluates the else
branch if the condition is false
. And we want to replicate this behavior with our iff
. Thankfully, even though ECMAScript isn't lazy, it has a way to delay the evaluation of a piece of code, the same way almost every other language does: wrap it in a function, and if you never call that function, the code will never get executed.
So, we wrap both blocks in a function, and at the end call the function that is returned:
tru(() => console.log("then branch"), () => console.log("else branch"))();
// then branch
prints then branch
fls(() => console.log("then branch"), () => console.log("else branch"))();
// else branch
prints else branch
We could implement the traditional if
this way:
const iff = (cnd, thn, els) => cnd(thn, els);
iff(tru, 23, 42);
// => 23
iff(fls, 23, 42);
// => 42
Again, we need some extra function wrapping when calling the iff
function and the extra function call parentheses in the definition of iff
, for the same reason as above:
const iff = (cnd, thn, els) => cnd(thn, els)();
iff(tru, () => console.log("then branch"), () => console.log("else branch"));
// then branch
iff(fls, () => console.log("then branch"), () => console.log("else branch"));
// else branch
Now that we have those two definitions, we can implement or
. First, we look at the truth table for or
: if the first operand is truthy, then the result of the expression is the same as the first operand. Otherwise, the result of the expression is the result of the second operand. In short: if the first operand is true
, we return the first operand, otherwise we return the second operand:
const orr = (a, b) => iff(a, () => a, () => b);
Let's check out that it works:
// => tru(thn, _) {}
// => tru(thn, _) {}
// => tru(thn, _) {}
// => fls(_, els) {}
Great! However, that definition looks a little ugly. Remember, tru
and fls
already act like a conditional all by themselves, so really there is no need for iff
, and thus all of that function wrapping at all:
const orr = (a, b) => a(a, b);
There you have it: or
(plus other boolean operators) defined with nothing but function definitions and function calls in just a handful of lines:
const tru = (thn, _ ) => thn,
fls = (_ , els) => els,
orr = (a , b ) => a(a, b),
nnd = (a , b ) => a(b, a),
ntt = a => a(fls, tru),
xor = (a , b ) => a(ntt(b), b),
iff = (cnd, thn, els) => cnd(thn, els)();
Unfortunately, this implementation is rather useless: there are no functions or operators in ECMAScript which return tru
or fls
, they all return true
or false
, so we can't use them with our functions. But there's still a lot we can do. For example, this is an implementation of a singly-linked list:
const cons = (hd, tl) => which => which(hd, tl),
car = l => l(tru),
cdr = l => l(fls);
You may have noticed something peculiar: tru
and fls
play a double role, they act both as the data values true
and false
, but at the same time, they also act as a conditional expression. They are data and behavior, bundled up into one … uhm … "thing" … or (dare I say) object! Does this idea of identifying data and behavior remind us of anything?
Indeed, tru
and fls
are objects. And, if you have ever used Smalltalk, Self, Newspeak or other pure object-oriented languages, you will have noticed that they implement booleans in exactly the same way: two objects true
and false
which have method named if
that takes two blocks (functions, lambdas, whatever) as arguments and evaluates one of them.
Here's an example of what it might look like in Scala:
sealed abstract trait Buul {
def apply[T, U <: T, V <: T](thn: ⇒ U)(els: ⇒ V): T
def &&&(other: ⇒ Buul): Buul
def |||(other: ⇒ Buul): Buul
def ntt: Buul
case object Tru extends Buul {
override def apply[T, U <: T, V <: T](thn: ⇒ U)(els: ⇒ V): U = thn
override def &&&(other: ⇒ Buul) = other
override def |||(other: ⇒ Buul): this.type = this
override def ntt = Fls
case object Fls extends Buul {
override def apply[T, U <: T, V <: T](thn: ⇒ U)(els: ⇒ V): V = els
override def &&&(other: ⇒ Buul): this.type = this
override def |||(other: ⇒ Buul) = other
override def ntt = Tru
object BuulExtension {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def boolean2Buul(b: ⇒ Boolean) = if (b) Tru else Fls
import BuulExtension._
(2 < 3) { println("2 is less than 3") } { println("2 is greater than 3") }
// 2 is less than 3
Given the very close relationship between OO and actors (they are pretty much the same thing, actually), which is not historically surprising (Alan Kay based Smalltalk on Carl Hewitt's PLANNER; Carl Hewitt based Actors on Alan Kay's Smalltalk), I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be a step in the right direction to solve your problem.