Can I use any algorithm to train above dataset ? Because Each Row (Id) has Dependent Variable(Status) . But Each "Id" again as Mulitple Rows as per Features You Can Assume it as "Each Id has multiple transaction and All transactions have common Status" Will Machine learning find some Patterns from these transaction
Is there any other approach to solve these type of problems
Just fill your ID row with the value from the above row , same for the status row, this will lead to:
ID Feature1 Feature2 Feature3 Status
8079 100 Asia High Approved
8079 200 Africa Low Approved
When you run a classification algorithm, you can use: ID, Feature1, Feature2, Feature3
as features and Status as target. A classifier will learn with this and everything is completly the same as before.
The features are still independet. Dependet features you will only have if the variables are somehow dependet to each other, in your case the ID 8079 does not lead to Feature1: Africa. They are independet.
You can fill your cells with:
import numpy as np
df[df[0]==""] = np.NaN
Based on your comments, the approach can be slightly different, you need to convert your entries to new features (Python pandas convert rows to columns where multiple columns exist): The dataframe then should look like:
ID Feature1 Feature2 Feature3 Feature1a .... Feature3z Status
8079 100 Asia High 200 Approved