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How I can show my database images in owl carousal slider in Laravel 5.8?

I want to show product multiple images in slide. I'm using owl slider.

How can I show product images in slider. I get images from database.

I have in database one product images and other have product details.

I want to get multiple images from database with product_id and want to show in slider.

this is my code

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            @foreach($products as $product )
            var product = {{$product->id}};
        {   loop:true,
            autoPlay: 3000, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds
            items : 4,
            itemsDesktop : [1199,3],
            itemsDesktopSmall : [979,3]

this is my view code

@foreach($products as $product )
    <!-- Block2 -->
    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 p-b-50">
        <div class="block2">
            <div class="block2-img wrap-pic-w of-hidden pos-relative" id="owl-demo-{{$product->id}}">
                    @foreach($product->images as $image)
                    <div class="item"><img src="{{url($image->path)}}" alt=""></div>

                <!-- <div class="block2-overlay trans-0-4">
                    <a href="#" class="block2-btn-addwishlist hov-pointer trans-0-4">
                        <i class="icon-wishlist icon_heart_alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <i class="icon-wishlist icon_heart dis-none" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                    </a> -->
                    <!-- <div class="block2-btn-addcart w-size1 trans-0-4"> -->
                        <!-- Button -->

                    <!-- </div> -->
                <!-- </div> -->
            <div class="block2-txt p-t-20">
                <button onclick="addToCart({{$product->id}})" type="submit" class="flex-c-m size1 bg4 bo-rad-23 hov1 s-text1 trans-0-4" >
                    Add to Cart
                <span class="block2-price m-text6 p-r-5">
    </div >



  • Its answer . i solved my error successfully

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {
                @foreach($products as $product )
                var product = {{$product->id}};
                navigation : true, // Show next and prev buttons
                slideSpeed : 300,
                paginationSpeed : 400,
                autoPlay: 3000, 