External Authentication: FF 82 20 00 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF
What is the correct procedure to run External Authentication? Do we need to run Get Challenge before External Authentication?
If I send the apdu of external authentication to OMNIKEY smart card reader, it will return me 9000 which mean success.
But If I do the same step with Workabout Pro4 and it return 6D00?
6D00 is instruction code is not supported or invalid, but it was working with Omnikey smart card reader. How to solve this problem?
FYI: Read UID APDU Command is working on both devices: FF CA 00 00 00
I have tried many different ways but none is working.
I found the answer myself.
There are two Load Authentication Keys APDU commands:
Use the second APDU command to do Load Authentication Keys then read/write the Mifare card content.