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How to use a Kotlin extension function on a class?

I have a pretty short question about an extension function that would help clear some of my code. Basically I have some transformations on the hashCode of a class name and I want an extension function to do the transformations.


Getting the name hashCode: where StateA is a simple class.

I want to the extension function like:

    fun Class<*>.transformName(): String {
       var hashString =

       //Do my stuff on that hashString

       return hashString

But this doesn't seem to work. When I apply the extension function with StateA.transformName(), the function gives me an error with Unresolved Reference.

I tried various things like applying the function to StateA::class or having the hashString equal to but nothing works. Any tips?


  • You can't really achieve the StateA.transformName() syntax, as StateA just on its own refers to the companion object inside that class. So to get that syntax, you'd need to have a companion object inside every class that you want to use this extension on.

    What you can do in a very general way is get the KClass that describes your class first. This gives you an object (the KClass instance) that you can then call an extension on:

    fun KClass<*>.transformName() {
        val clazz: Class<*> =

    Another approach, which is less verbose on the call site could be a generic function like this, where the reified keyword allows you to access the concrete class that was used as the generic type parameter inside the function:

    inline fun <reified T> transformName() {
        val clazz: Class<*> =