This code returns the value of the registry from a remote machine. How to format output as a table with two columns containing information such as ComputerName and RegistryValue. Note: RunspaceId doesn't not contain RegistryValue information.
$comps = "smzmi0020d", "smzmi0025d"
$block = { (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate' -name susclientid).susclientid }
PS C:\Windows\system32> invoke-command $comps -ScriptBlock $block | select susclientID, PSComputername
susclientID PSComputerName
----------- --------------
PS C:\Windows\system32> invoke-command $comps -ScriptBlock $block | select *
PSComputerName RunspaceId Length
-------------- ---------- ------
smzmi0020d 1be1be2f-7e57-4833-81a0-6182c5ac3672 36
smzmi0025d 10e067da-06a0-4962-ae89-898aef9fe81c 36
I am not being able to reproduce in my environment, but you may try something like:
$Comps = "smzmi0020d", "smzmi0025d"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Comps -ScriptBlock {(Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate' -name susclientid)} | Select-Object -Property SusClientID, PSComputerName
Note: Foreach-Object
processes the objects sequentially, while Invoke-Command
does that in parallel (32 computers simultaneously by default). Therefore it should be much faster!
also returuns the parameter PSComputerName
which holds the name of the computer retunrning the output, so with Select-Object
at the end you should be just fine. Eventually you may pipe the output to | Format-Table -AutoSize