I need to execute a os command inside a informix SPL. My informix instance runs on Solaris machine. I tried with following codes. But gives below mentioned error. Please correct me.
CREATE PROCEDURE log_message (message VARCHAR(70))
DEFINE os_command VARCHAR(100);
-- Output message to log file
LET os_command = 'ls -ltrh /informix/nuwan/' || message || ' >> /informix/nuwan/test/data.log';
SYSTEM os_command;
Then I called the procedure as follows
CALL log_message('Test message...');
it give below error
668: The system command cannot be executed or it exited with a non-zero status. 2: No such file or directory
Use the SYSTEM statement to issue an operating-system command from within an SPL routine. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGU8G_14.1.0/com.ibm.sqls.doc/ids_sqs_1358.htm