I am designing a Menu system for a restaurent in Typescript. I have defined an interface to implement necessary function for each Menu Item :
interface HasPrice {
getPrice(): number;
Each menu item is defined by a class.
class Gobi implements HasPrice {
getPrice() : number {
return 50;
class FriedRice implements HasPrice {
getPrice() : number {
return 100;
I am using decorator class to add toppings. eg.Fried Rice with chicken
class FriedRiceWithChicken implements HasPrice {
getPrice() : number {
return super.getPrice() + 25;
Now I want to extend this system for combo menus. eg. Fried Rice + Gobi
class FriedRiceAndGobi extends FriedRice, Gobi {
getPrice() : number {
return FriedRice.getPrice() + Gobi.getPrice();
How can I implement combo classes? Is there a way I can write a generic class/method to implement combo menu?
Typescript does not have support for multiple inheritance.
There's a couple of different reasons why you would want multiple inheritance. Your example is however not one of them.
If, using your example, I would need a single class that encapsulates both ingredients, this is how I would approach this:
class CombinedItem {
private menuItems: HasPrice[];
constructor(menuItems: hasPrice[]) {
this.menuItems = menuItems;
getPrice() {
return this.menuItems.reduce(
(acc, curr) => acc + curr.getPrice(),
This could then be constructed as such:
const item = new CombinedItem([
new Rice(),
new Chicken()
CombinedItem is a class that can take any combination of inputs. If you want something really specific, you can do:
class ChickenAndRice {
private chicken: Chicken;
private rice: Rice;
constructor(chicken: Chicken, rice: Rice) {
this.chicken = chicken;
this.rice = rice;
getPrice() {
return this.chicken.getPrice() + this.rice.getPrice();
But I'm not sure why you would ever want this.
Thinking in the direction of inheritance for your problem is a common mistake, and right solution is to compose objects and classes together instead of inherit behavior.