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How to get unique data in mysql 8.0 +

I am trying to do a simple select query that will filter out duplicate data just like what was possible in mysql versions below 5.6.

I have done a lot of research online and i have tried everything that i have found but i still don't seem to get the gist.

  id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  Comment text,
  commentOnId int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

insert into test (comment, commentonid) 
('My first comment', null),
    ('reply 1',1),
    ('reply 2',1);`

select id, comment, commentonid from Test group by commentonid;
select id, comment, distinct commentonid from Test group by commentonid;
select id, comment, distinct commentonid from Test;

select id, comment, ANY_VALUE(commentonid) as unique from Test group by unique;
select id, comment, distinct ANY_VALUE(commentonid) from Test;`

`select id, comment, MIN(commentonid) from Test;

Every single one of the select queries fail or at the very least don't get the desired result.

I want to get a unique commentOn field as there are two with the value of 1. What is the correct select statement to use in order to get unique data in mysql 8.0?


  • You're using the aggregation function on the wrong column. You don't use ANY_VALUE() on the column you're grouping by, you use it on all the other columns that aren't uniquely determined by that column.

    SELECT ANY_VALUE(id) AS id, ANY_VALUE(comment) AS comment, commentonid
    FROM Test
    GROUP BY commentonid

    Note that this doesn't guarantee that id and comment will come from the same row. You could get

    1  reply 2  1

    as the result. If you want to get consistent a consistent row, you normally should specify some criteria for which row you want in the group, such as the highest id. See SQL select only rows with max value on a column for how to write such queries.