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How to mock multer with supertest?

I'm writing file upload API and have some troubles with mocking multer. I'm trying to test my endpoint with supertest.

it('load image', async () => {
    await app
        .set('Authorization', 'abc123')
        .attach('avatar', `${__dirname}/test.jpg`);

Upload works as expected. But every time when I run test, new file being created. So, how to mock multer and does not create new file every time?


  • I had a middleware helper to wrap multer like this

    // middleware/index.js
    const multer = require('multer');
    exports.multerUpload = () => multer({...});

    Then use it in my routes like so

    // routes.js
    const { multerUpload } = require('path/to/middlewares');'/upload', multerUpload().any());

    Then, in my tests, I can stub out multerUpload

    // test.js
    const middlewares = require('path/to/middlewares');
    sinon.stub(middlewares, 'multerUpload').callsFake(
          () => {
            return {
              any() {
                return (req, res, next) => {
                  // You can do whatever you like to the request body here e.g
                  req.body = { title: req.query.title };
                  req.files = [{ location: 'sample.url', key: 'sample.key' }];
                  return next();