Change notifications of Outlook events can be created by subscribing following way using ms graph api .
"changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
"notificationUrl": "notificationUrl",
"resource": "Users/xxx169f-xxx-xxxx-afd2-936c51e6xxxx/Events",
"clientState": "secretClientValue"
but how do i get notifications similar way for calendars that have given delegated permission ?
You can validate that you can access the shared calendar via API by using this with Calendar.Read.Shared GET
In this example, AdeleV has shared her calendar with MeganB. And I'm signed in as Megan B to Graph Explorer.
Unfortunately you cannot subscribe to events as per the note on this docs page
Note The sharing permissions (Calendars.Read.Shared or Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared) allow you to read or write events in a shared or delegated calendar. They do not support subscribing to change notifications on items in such folders. To set up change notification subscriptions on events in a shared, delegated, or any other user or resource calendar in the tenant, use the application permission, Calendars.Read.