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Using asdfree lodown to download all implicates of Survey of Consumer finance

I am trying to download the complete Survey of Consumer Finance data files following the example in asdfree using lodown. The code works seamlessly and I am able to use it to download a single implicate for each year. I did not see in the catalog or example how to download all 5 implicates of the SCF.

I followed the code from asdfree for download the entire SCF. This results in one implicate of each year and replicate weights.

lodown( "scf" , output_dir = file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "SCF" ) )

I was expecting this to result in every implicate every year. Is there an option for the lodown command to have all implicates downloaded?


  • the code doesn't only download a single implicate. after following the steps on page to get to the scf_imp object, here's how to take a look at the first few records of the first and fifth implicate. thanks

    # this list contains five data.frame objects
    length( scf_imp )
    sapply( scf_imp , class )
    # first few records of the 1st and 5th implicate of the data set
    head( scf_imp[[1]] )
    head( scf_imp[[5]] )