Think about this func1() is in another java class, you can reach it by callback. My problem is I want to wait the func1 result. How can I do that?
// I want to catch the data here, so it should wait here but because of using rxjava (another thread), I cannot control it.
// I know if I use new retrofit libs, I can use coroutines, but right now, I cannot change old ones.
//My problem is I want to wait the func1 result here. How can I do that?
suspend fun func2(){}
suspend fun func3(){}
//Another java class
public Single<MyData> func1(){
.subscribe(myData -> {
// Let's say this takes 5 seconds to get the data
}, throwable -> {
Add the library
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-rx2:$coroutine_version"
Then call,
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