I am trying to setup the Hyperledger Explorer to work with my fabric network. I managed to bring up the explorer without using docker, but when I try to bring up the explorer in docker using docker-compose. I am facing below error in explorer.mynetwork.com container. I have provided correct value for CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer0.org1.example.com:7051 in the peer container configuration. I followed https://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer documentation for the docker setup. Please let me know if I missed any configuration.
2019-10-03T14:18:40.610Z - error: [Channel.js]: Channel:mychannel received discovery error:failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:"mycc" >
2019-10-03T14:18:40.616Z - error: [Channel.js]: Channel:mychannel received discovery error:failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:"mycc1" >
initializeChannelFromDiscover mychannel
2019-10-03T14:18:40.638Z - error: [Channel.js]: Channel:mychannel received discovery error:failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:"mycc" >
2019-10-03T14:18:40.644Z - error: [Channel.js]: Channel:mychannel received discovery error:failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:"mycc1" >
FabricClient.discover_results endpoint { host: 'orderer.example.com', port: 7050 }
initializeChannelFromDiscover.discoveryProtocol grpcs requesturl grpcs://orderer.example.com:7050.
First of all, I recommend trying to use explorer docker images with fabric-samples/first-network.
# After bringing up fabric-samples/first-network
# Copy artifacts into the path which is mounted on explorer container
$ cp -a /some/where/fabric-samples/first-network/crypto-config/* examples/net1/crypto/
# Edit connection profile to change secret key file name
$ vi examples/net1/connection-profile/first-network.json
$ git diff examples/
diff --git a/examples/net1/connection-profile/first-network.json b/examples/net1/connection-profile/first-network.json
index 45fff11..6f790b1 100644
--- a/examples/net1/connection-profile/first-network.json
+++ b/examples/net1/connection-profile/first-network.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"mspid": "Org1MSP",
"fullpath": true,
"adminPrivateKey": {
- "path": "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp/keystore/d30992c2b7799bc5c65bf6e4839369c7dd3edf0b786eecd4a9d3a3b207d8863f_sk"
+ "path": "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp/keystore/75e93bca73505a8485a50aeec4341b0ea52f1a0169a46fba6f20091e60f5f4d3_sk"
"signedCert": {
"path": "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp/signcerts/Admin@org1.example.com-cert.pem"
# Pull the latest container images (v0.3.9.5)
$ docker pull hyperledger/explorer
$ docker pull hyperledger/explorer-db
# Make sure the persistant volumes removed
$ docker-compose down -v
# Bring up containers
$ docker-compose up -d explorerdb.mynetwork.com
$ docker-compose up -d explorer.mynetwork.com
# Access http://localhost:8090
After making sure explorer is working fine in this environment, please\ modify configuration (connection profile) to align to your own fabric network.