I am attempting to use the Realm library to persist data within my application. However, I keep running into the same error code: "Realm accessed from incorrect thread". I attempted to resolve this issue by creating a Realm-specific Dispatch Queue, and wrapping all of my Realm calls in it.
Here is what my "RealmManager" class looks like right now:
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class RealmManager {
fileprivate static let Instance : RealmManager = RealmManager()
fileprivate var _realmDB : Realm!
fileprivate var _realmQueue : DispatchQueue!
class func RealmQueue() -> DispatchQueue {
return Instance._realmQueue
class func Setup() {
Instance._realmQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "realm")
Instance._realmQueue.async {
do {
Instance._realmDB = try Realm()
} catch {
print("Error connecting to Realm DB")
class func saveObjectArray(_ objects: [Object]) {
Instance._realmQueue.async {
do {
try Instance._realmDB.write {
for obj in objects {
Instance._realmDB.add(obj, update: .all)
} catch {
print("Error Saving Objects")
class func fetch(_ type: Int) -> [Object] {
if let realm = Instance._realmDB {
let results = realm.objects(Squeak.self).filter("type = \(type)")
var returnArray : [Object] = []
for r in results {
return returnArray
return []
I am calling Setup() inside of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions to instantiate the Realm queue and Realm Db instance.
I am getting the error code inside of saveObjectArray at:
try Instance._realmDB.write { }
This seems to simply be a matter of my misunderstanding of the threading requirements of Realm. I would appreciate any insight into the matter, or a direction to go in from here.
This issue is that you fetch your Realm data on a different thread than you save it.
To fix the error, the code within fetch
will also need to run on the Realm thread that you have created.
I think this article does a good job of explaining multi-threading in Realm and particularly recommend paying attention to the three rules outlined in the article.