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Run multiple new terminals from terminal

I tried to find solution but I don't know how to do it. I want to start terminal on raspberry pi x times, to run python scripts in paralel.

I tried gnome-terminal or xterm but nothing did what I wanted or wrote command not found.

This cmd:

for word in $(cat inputs.txt); do python3 $word; done

This command gets every line from inputs.txt file and passes it as parameter to a python script which runs for x hours (one line, one parameter). I need it to start x terminal based on how many lines there is in the inputs.txt file. I want this automatic because the inputs will be generated/dynamic. The script is very simple and I manually started 12 terminals which worked fine on slow raspberry. Input file can look like this:


No crazy stuff with the inputs like space or special character. I will have more parameters in future in the input files but those can be separated by delimiter. Thanks.


  • You can do that without starting new terminals. If you do this:

    for word in $(cat inputs.txt)
        do python3 "$word" &

    bash will execute the scripts in parrallel (it will create a new process for each call), due to the single ampersand (&) after the command.

    So the program should execute rather quickly, and then the python3 tasks will work in the background.

    You can read more on that here :