I try some basic data types,
val x = Vector("John Smith", 10, "Illinois")
val x = Seq("John Smith", 10, "Illinois")
val x = Array("John Smith", 10, "Illinois")
val x = ...
val x = Seq( Vector("John Smith",10,"Illinois"), Vector("Foo",2,"Bar"))
but no one offer toDF()
, even after import spark.implicits._
My aim is to use someting as x.toDF("name","age","city").show
In the last example the toDF
exists, but error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException".
I am using Spark-shell with Spark v2.2.
Need generic transformation based on colunm names parametrized in toDF(names)
, not complex solutions as create Vector of case class Person(name: String, age: Long, city: String)
Expected result of show after toDF is
| name|age| city|
|John Smith| 10|Illinois|
you should put values in tuple to create 3 columns
scala> Seq(("John Smith", "asd", "Illinois")).toDF("name","age","city").show
| name|age| city|
|John Smith|asd|Illinois|