I need to find into a text file and print out both the UNIQUE words AND put in alphabetical order i know how read a file and get alphabetical but Im running into an issue with the sort and unique(I honestly don't how to do this one)
Also another problem i have is that while it gives me the words in alphabetical order is gives me "\n" each time it finds a word
TEXTFILE: mike, sara sara adam william
A= open('Wordfile.txt')
while len(line)!=0:
print(line, end =' ')
output: Adam, mike \n, sara \n, sara\n, william\n
We can do:
A = open('Wordfile.txt')
lines = sorted(list(set([line.rstrip() for line in A]))) # Used rstip() to remove '\n' and set() to make items unique.
for line in lines:
print(line, end =' ')