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Redirect to a link after selecting a checkbox and a 'Next' button

I need to redirect users to a page (multiple options) after they select a checkbox and only after clicking the 'next' button. Here is my code with three checkboxes (sorry i can't add picture yet:

          <form class="q2" action="">
                <div class="form-group radios">
                    <label for="1">
                    <input type="radio" name="physio" id="1"><span class="checkmark"></span>
                <div class="form-group radios">
                    <label for="2">
                    <input type="radio" name="physio" id="2"><span class="checkmark"></span>
                <div class="form-group radios">
                    <label for="3">
                    <input type="radio" name="physio" id="3"><span class="checkmark"></span>

                <a href="poids-ideal-chat.html">
                    <div class="button-icon next cta src">

thank you for helping people


  • To achieve this, you can use javascript. The ideal process flow should be like this:

    1. Listen for the click of the Next button.
    2. When clicked, check if the radio element has been selected.
    3. If there is a selected element, continue redirect.
    4. If not prevent redirect

    I've included a demo of this in a jsfiddle, check it out

    <form class="q2" action="">
        <div class="form-group radios">
            <label for="1">
                <input type="radio" name="physio" id="1" value="1">
                <span class="checkmark"></span>
        <div class="form-group radios">
            <label for="2">
                <input type="radio" name="physio" id="2" value="2">
                <span class="checkmark"></span>
        <div class="form-group radios">
            <label for="3">
                <input type="radio" name="physio" id="3" value="3">
                <span class="checkmark"></span>
    <a href="poids-ideal-chat.html" id="nextClick">
        <div class="button-icon next cta src">
        document.getElementById('nextClick').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        // Get all the radio 'physio' elements
        var radios = document.getElementsByName('physio');
        // Loop through each element
        for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) {
            // Check if the current element is selected
            if (radios[i].checked) {
                var selected_value = radios[i].value; // Value of checked element
                // Exit event handler and redirect the page if a radio element is selected
        // If no item was selected prevent the page redirect