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jQuery Ajax CGI: load script

I am trying to load my Perl CGI script's content into the HTML page. .load() does not work. Please tell me what's wrong here:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('input:checkbox').change(function() {
    var nom = $(this).attr("value");
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    } else {
      //$("#" + nom).remove();

I would like:

  • When I check the checkbox (which has as value "toto") load (in Ajax)
  • When I uncheck this checkbox, remove the content loaded before.

Hope someone has a little time to help me to leave this jQuery nightmare.


  • You're loading your script's output directly into the body, hence you make all previous body content (including your checkbox(es)) disappear. I assume that is what you experience.

    What you should do is have a dedicated block for the script generated content, and use that block as the target of your load function.


    <div id="controller">
      <input type="checkbox" name="toto" id="toto"></input> Load / unload content
    <div id="target">
      Content comes here


        if ( $(this).is(':checked') ) {
          var target_url = "../cgi-bin/"+$(this).attr('name');
        else {

    I would also refrain from the "../cgi-bin/" type relative path definition and use absolute path instead.

    Working example available at

    EDIT Seems like I didn't fully grasp what you were trying to achieve. Here is an edited version of the same javascript which appends/removes content blocks triggered by multiple checkboxes. Hope that solves your issue: