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CppCheck crashing with specific template syntax

in our project (VS c++17) we have a template causing CppCheck (version 1.89 but also some earlier versions) to crash no Windows.

It crashes if called from command line or via GUI. Unfortunately the tool exits in a way I cannot get clear idea why it crashes. Via the GUI I tried forcing the c++ version to 14, 17 and 20 but no effect.

After following up on the file causing the crash I identified the following syntax in header is "the guilty" one:

// Header file

template <
    class obj_type,
    template<class> class allocator = SmartPointerAllocator,
    template<class, class> class data_container = std::list>

class EXPORT_OBJECT GenericConfigurationHandler 
    typedef typename allocator<obj_type>::ClientData ClientData;
    typedef data_container<ClientData, std::allocator<ClientData>> TargetConfigurations;
    mutable TargetConfigurations m_target_configurations;

    TargetConfigurations& get_target_configurations() const { return m_target_configurations; }

    *   \brief constructor
    GenericConfigurationHandler() = default;

    *   \brief destructor
    virtual ~GenericConfigurationHandler() {
        std::for_each(m_target_configurations.begin(), m_target_configurations.end(),
            [](ClientData& data) {

    *   \brief regist a new configuration
    *   \param target_config new target configuration
    template <class src_obj>
    void regist_configuration(const src_obj& target_config) {

    *   \brief generates target configuration values
    virtual TargetConfigurations build_configurators() const {
        return m_target_configurations;

The SmartPointerAllocator itself is:

// Header file
template<class T>
struct SmartPointerAllocator {
    //variable type
    typedef typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type var_type;
    //conatiner type
    typedef std::shared_ptr<var_type> ClientData;

    template<class obj_type>
    static ClientData create(const obj_type& src_obj) {
        typedef typename std::remove_pointer<obj_type>::type src_obj_type;
        return ClientData(new src_obj_type(src_obj));

    static void destroy(ClientData& src_obj) {

    static void commit(const ClientData& src_obj) {

What I further notice is the crash appears on loading the .cpp files and reading/parcing the .h files. Not during the analysis!

If I comment the template definition and leave "not compilable code" like this the analysis passes:

// Header file

//template <
//  class obj_type,
//  template<class> class allocator = SmartPointerAllocator,
//  template<class, class> class data_container = std::list>

class EXPORT_OBJECT GenericConfigurationHandler 
    typedef typename allocator<obj_type>::ClientData ClientData;
    typedef data_container<ClientData, std::allocator<ClientData>> TargetConfigurations;
    mutable TargetConfigurations m_target_configurations;

    TargetConfigurations& get_target_configurations() const { return m_target_configurations; }

    *   \brief constructor
    GenericConfigurationHandler() = default;


The difference between first and third code is only the commented template lines at the beginning.

I tried to escape the particular header file but the tool does not allow (only cpp files)

Any suggestions how to overcome this?


  • You can define MACRO to cppcheck (include guard of the header file for example).

    Or something more specific:

    #if !defined(CPP_CHECK)
    template <
      class obj_type,
      template<class> class allocator = SmartPointerAllocator,
      template<class, class> class data_container = std::list>
    class EXPORT_OBJECT GenericConfigurationHandler
        // ...

    and then

    cppcheck -DCPP_CHECK file.cpp