I am trying to sort my basic Vue application into components. I have a product listing, each contains some information and a button. The button(more details button) when clicked opens a modal window that contains that specific product's further information. I have a product listing component and a modal window component in Vue. I am not really sure how I could call the modal window component containing that particular product's info from the product listing when the user clicks the button. I would appreciate some help with this. This is what I have so far:
<div class="content">
<div class="nested" v-for="product in products">
<div class="one"><span>{{product.Name}}</span></div>
<div class="two"><img src="src/assets/shape.svg" style="height: 80px; width: 80px;"><span>-{{ product.Reduction_percentage }}%</span></div>
<div class="three"><span>{{ product.Short_Description }}</span></div>
<div class="four"><b-btn v-b-modal="'productModal'" @click="chooseProduct(product)" product_item="'product'">More details</b-btn></div>
export default {
data () {
return {
products: [
{id: 1, Name: 'Product 1', Reduction_percentage: 30, Short_Description:"Something", Description:"Something more"},
{id: 2, Name: 'Product 2', Reduction_percentage: 33, Short_Description:"Something", Description:"Something more"},
{id: 3, Name: 'Product 3', Reduction_percentage: 23, Short_Description:"Something", Description:"Something more"},
{id: 4, Name: 'Product 4', Reduction_percentage: 77, Short_Description:"Something", Description:"Something more"},
{id: 5, Name: 'Product 5', Reduction_percentage: 99, Short_Description:"Something", Description:"Something more"},
methods: {
chooseProduct: function (product) {
this.chosenProduct = product
<b-modal id="productModal" v-if="chosenProduct" :title="chosenProduct.Name">
<div class = "inner-container">
<div class = "inner-nested">
<div class="inner-one"><br> {{chosenProduct.Description}}</div>
<div class="inner-two">
-{{ chosenProduct.Reduction_percentage }}%</div>
<div class="inner-three"> <button>Buy Now</button></div>
There are basically 3 categories of component communication: