x , y , particle
23, 25, 0
12, 15, 0
54, 45, 0
32, 11, 1
21, 43, 1
43, 11, 1
There is a yield of 3 columns in excel. First column x, second column y, third column ID. If the particles have the same identification number(ID), I want to subtract x and y of particles with the same ID number. for example;
For columns with ID = 0, I want it to:
for x should be
23-12 = 11
11-54 = -43
for y should be
25-15 = 10
10-45 = -35
Here's the code I wrote for it. The first is working correctly for the same ID numbers, but I get a range error in the 2nd cycle. what could be the problem. How can I fix.
from pyexcel_ods import get_data,save_data
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
data = get_data("deneme.ods")
for i in range(len(data[u'Sheet1'])-2):
if data[u'Sheet1'][i][2]==data[u'Sheet1'][i+1][2]:
for j in range(s+1):
extract -= data[u'Sheet1'][j][1]
extract = abs(extract)
if you can load your file into a dataframe, you can then do like this.
import pandas as pd
from operator import sub
from functools import reduce
d = [["x", "y", "particle"], [23, 25, 0],[12, 15, 0], [54, 45, 0], [32, 11, 1], [21, 43, 1], [43, 11, 1]]
df = pd.DataFrame(d[1:], columns=d[0])
my_sub = lambda e: reduce(sub, e)
df2 = df.pivot_table(index = "particle", values=["x", "y"], aggfunc=my_sub)