Search code examples

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '09/10/2019' could not be parsed at index 0 could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 19

I am developing news app and I have converted elapsed time from now to that date but when I run code I am getting following exception in my adapter class

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '09/10/2019' could not be parsed at index 0 could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 19

below my Adapter class

class TopHeadlinesAdapter(val context: Context) : RecyclerView.Adapter<TopHeadlinesAdapter.MyViewHolder>() {

    var articleList : List<Article> = listOf()

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MyViewHolder {

        val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.news_list,parent,false)
        return MyViewHolder(view)

    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        return articleList.size

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyViewHolder, position: Int) {

        holder.articleTitle.text = articleList.get(position).title
        holder.articleSourceName.text = articleList.get(position)

        val input = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX")
        val output = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")
        var d = Date()
            d = input.parse(articleList[5].publishedAt)
        catch (e: ParseException) {
        val formatted = output.format(d)
        val timelinePoint = LocalDateTime.parse(formatted)
        val now =

        var elapsedTime = Duration.between(timelinePoint, now)


        holder.articleTime.text = "${elapsedTime.toMinutes()}"


    fun setMovieListItems(articleList: List<Article>){
        this.articleList = articleList

    fun example( ) {

    class MyViewHolder(itemView: View?) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView!!) {

        val image: ImageView = itemView!!.findViewById(
        val articleTitle: TextView = itemView!!.findViewById(
        val articleSourceName: TextView = itemView!!.findViewById(
        val imageCategory: ImageView = itemView!!.findViewById(
        val articleTime: TextView = itemView!!.findViewById(


Below is the JSON response:

> {
>     "status": "ok",
>     "totalResults": 38,
>     "articles": [
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "cnn",
>                 "name": "CNN"
>             },
>             "author": null,
>             "title": "The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry: Live updates - CNN",
>             "description": "The House is moving forward with its impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Follow here for the
> latest.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T09:02:00Z",
>             "content": "Donald Trump drove Democrats to the first crucial pivot point of their impeachment confrontation on Tuesday with
> a defiant declaration that his administration would not cooperate with
> the investigation.\r\nIn a fierce counter-attack after days of failing
> to con… [+1326 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "Brian Ashcraft",
>             "title": "Overwatch's Mei Is Becoming A Symbol Of The Hong Kong Resistance - Kotaku",
>             "description": "After Chung “Blitzchung” Ng Wai called for the liberation of Hong Kong, Blizzard suspended the Hearthstone player
> and withheld any prize money. The decision has been widely criticized.
> Fans have now started posting images of Overwatch hero Mei supporting
> the …",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": ",fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/onlooi9lbhsfq73hv0m6.jpg",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T09:00:00Z",
>             "content": "After Chung Blitzchung Ng Wai called for the liberation of Hong Kong, Blizzard suspended the Hearthstone player and
> withheld any prize money. The decision has been widely criticized.
> Fans have now started posting images of Overwatch hero Mei supporting
> the Ho… [+493 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "the-new-york-times",
>                 "name": "The New York Times"
>             },
>             "author": null,
>             "title": "California Power Outages: Fire Danger Prompts Utility to Cut Electricity - The New York Times",
>             "description": "An intentional shut-off by Pacific Gas & Electric, the largest utility in the state, could affect as many as
> 800,000 customers.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T07:00:00Z",
>             "content": "Large swaths of central and Northern California were expected to be without electricity on Wednesday as the
> states largest utility planned to cut power as a safety precaution.
> The utility, Pacific Gas &amp; Electric, said that around 800,000
> customers would b… [+833 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "",
>             "title": "Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay man $8bn over breast growth - BBC News",
>             "description": "A US jury finds Johnson & Johnson guilty of negligence over an anti-psychotic drug.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T06:33:31Z",
>             "content": "Image copyrightGetty Images\r\nUS drug firm Johnson &amp; Johnson has been told to pay $8bn (£6.6bn) in punitive
> damages to a man over claims he was not warned that an antipsychotic
> drug could lead to breast growth.\r\nA Philadelphia jury made the
> award to Nichol… [+1740 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "",
>             "title": "Ecuador protesters storm parliament as unrest worsens - BBC News",
>             "description": "President Lenín Moreno imposes a night curfew near government buildings in response to the unrest.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T05:29:17Z",
>             "content": "Image copyrightReutersImage caption\r\n Protesters who burst into the National Assembly building were driven
> out with tear gas\r\nPresident Lenín Moreno has imposed a night curfew
> near government buildings after protesters clashed with security
> forces inside Ecua… [+3234 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "George A. King III",
>             "title": "The next Yankees challenge will be so much harder - New York Post ",
>             "description": "After the Yankees swept the feeble Twins out of the ALDS on Monday night in Minneapolis, Hal Steinbrenner said
> he and his family were very proud of his club. “But we are not there
> yet,’’ Steinbrenn…",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T04:49:00Z",
>             "content": "After the Yankees swept the feeble Twins out of the ALDS on Monday night in Minneapolis, Hal Steinbrenner said he
> and his family were very proud of his club.\r\nBut we are not there
> yet, Steinbrenner said. This is Step 1.\r\nStep 2 will be considerably
> harder to … [+3884 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "cnn",
>                 "name": "CNN"
>             },
>             "author": "Joshua Berlinger and Isaac Yee, CNN",
>             "title": "Houston Rockets fan arrested in China after threatening to burn national flag - CNN",
>             "description": "A 25-year-old Houston Rockets fan in China threatened to burn the Chinese flag in protest of the ongoing dispute
> between Beijing and the NBA team, and told police to \"come and arrest
> him.\"",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T04:45:00Z",
>             "content": null
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "Jake Ciely",
>             "title": "2019 Week 6 fantasy football rankings, sleepers, buy lows, sell highs - The Athletic",
>             "description": "Jake Ciely presents his Week 6 fantasy football rankings with sleepers, buy lows, sell highs and more
> advice",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T04:07:30Z",
>             "content": "2019 Fantasy Football Week 6 Rankings and SleepersI don’t have any super-duper special fantasy advice this week.
> Well, I should say it’s not an overall strategy or deep insight intro
> this time, as it’s more just about a few league settings I believe
> everyone … [+647 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "cnn",
>                 "name": "CNN"
>             },
>             "author": "Jacqueline Howard, CNN",
>             "title": "STDs on the rise: Cases of 3 common infections reach all-time highs in the US - msnNOW",
>             "description": "Combined cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have risen to unprecedented numbers for the fifth consecutive
> year in the United States, according to a new STD report from the
> Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T04:00:00Z",
>             "content": null
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "cbs-news",
>                 "name": "CBS News"
>             },
>             "author": "Danielle Garrand",
>             "title": "Saturn moons: 20 new moons discovered around Saturn — and scientists need help naming them - CBS News",
>             "description": "The new discovery increases the moons orbiting the \"jewel of our solar system\" to 82, surpassing Jupiter",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T03:25:00Z",
>             "content": "Twenty new moons have been found to be orbiting Saturn — and scientists want the public's help in naming
> them, according to a Carnegie Institution for Science news release.
> The new discovery brings the total moons around the \"jewel of our
> solar system\" to 82.… [+2978 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": null,
>             "title": "Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are still fighting: 'I thought you loved me!' - Yahoo Movies",
>             "description": "The Voice has fetishized extreme youth for the past few seasons — two of its most recent champion, Brynn Cartelli
> and Chevel Shepherd, were still in high school when they won — but
> Tuesday’s Blind Auditions episode was surprisingly bookended by
> stupendous, st…",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T02:58:31Z",
>             "content": "The Voice has fetishized extreme youth for the past few seasons two of its most recent champion, Brynn Cartelli and
> Chevel Shepherd, were still in high school when they won but Tuesdays
> Blind Auditions episode was surprisingly bookended by stupendous,
> standou… [+2042 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "Charu Sinha",
>             "title": "Drake Posts Instagram Story About His Father - Vulture",
>             "description": "Gather around, Dennis Graham truthers.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T02:04:00Z",
>             "content": "Today in celebrities oversharing on social media about conflicts we had no idea were even happening, we have
> Drake telling the world via Instagram that his father will say
> anything to anyone thats willing to listen to him and revealing that
> its sad when famil… [+1388 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "usa-today",
>                 "name": "USA Today"
>             },
>             "author": "Sara MacNeil",
>             "title": "‘A historic day’: Montgomery, Alabama, elects its first African-American mayor - USA TODAY",
>             "description": "Steven Reed, the Montgomery County probate judge, beat TV station owner David Woods and will be sworn in as the
> city's first black mayor Nov. 12.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": ",1687,x0,y0&width=3200&height=1680&fit=bounds",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T01:50:00Z",
>             "content": "Last SlideNext Slide\r\nMONTGOMERY, Ala. Montgomery, a city where more than half the population is black and
> known as the birthplace of the civil rights movement, elected an
> African American to the highest position in municipal government for
> the first time in … [+7031 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "JC Torres",
>             "title": "Chuwi UBook Pro takes on the Microsoft Surface with few compromises - SlashGear",
>             "description": "Although devices have existed long before, Microsoft has arguably made 2-in-1 computers more fashionable thanks
> to its Surface line. Even tablets like the Apple iPad Pro and the
> Samsung Galaxy Tab …",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T01:18:00Z",
>             "content": "Although devices have existed long before, Microsoft has arguably made 2-in-1 computers more fashionable thanks
> to its Surface line. Even tablets like the Apple iPad Pro and the
> Samsung Galaxy Tab S have taken on that form factor to give them an
> air of produc… [+1927 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "nbc-news",
>                 "name": "NBC News"
>             },
>             "author": "Associated Press",
>             "title": "Bernie Sanders' daughter-in-law dies of cancer at 46 -",
>             "description": "The daughter-in-law of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has died, shortly after being
> diagnosed with cancer.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T01:05:00Z",
>             "content": "The daughter-in-law of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has died, shortly after being diagnosed with
> cancer. Rainè Riggs was 46.\r\nThe Lee &amp; Martin Funeral Home in
> Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, says Riggs died Saturday, the day Sanders
> return… [+632 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "cnn",
>                 "name": "CNN"
>             },
>             "author": "Sandra Gonzalez, CNN",
>             "title": "'Bachelor' star Peter Weber injured in 'freak accident' but doing OK - CNN",
>             "description": "The star of the next edition of \"The Bachelor\" was involved in what the show's host Chris Harrison called
> a \"freak accident\" that left him needing stitches.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T00:57:00Z",
>             "content": null
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "Dick Uliano",
>             "title": "Time to get a flu shot: 11 cases reported in Maryland - WTOP",
>             "description": "The Maryland Department of Health is already reporting 11 laboratory-confirmed cases since Sept. 1, and
> state health officials said the onset of flu only emphasizes the need
> for a flu shot.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T00:56:15Z",
>             "content": "Flu season has come early to Maryland.\r\nThe Maryland Department of Health is already reporting 11
> laboratory-confirmed cases since Sept. 1. State health officials said
> the onset of flu only emphasizes the need for a flu shot.\r\n“Get your
> flu shot now. Don’t pu… [+2725 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "the-hill",
>                 "name": "The Hill"
>             },
>             "author": "Aris Folley",
>             "title": "California passes bill making HIV-prevention drugs available without prescription | TheHill - The Hill",
>             "description": "California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has signed legislation into law that allows pharmacists in the s...",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T00:43:31Z",
>             "content": "California Gov. Gavin NewsomGavin Christopher NewsomCalifornia creates first toll-free statewide mental health
> lineCalifornia inspires other states to push to pay college
> athletesEx-FCC counselor calls for federal consumer privacy lawMORE
> (D) has signed legis… [+1770 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": null,
>                 "name": ""
>             },
>             "author": "Anthony Garreffa",
>             "title": "Latest PlayStation 5 renders still have awesome V-shaped design - TweakTown",
>             "description": "Sony's next-gen PlayStation 5 looks even better in the second round of 3D renders",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-09T00:25:02Z",
>             "content": "The first round of 3D renders of the next-gen (and now confirmed) PlayStation 5 console by the fine folks at
> LetsGoDigital were amazing... but the team is back with some slick new
> renders that give us a closer look at what to expect from the
> PS5.\r\nSony confir… [+1155 chars]"
>         },
>         {
>             "source": {
>                 "id": "fox-news",
>                 "name": "Fox News"
>             },
>             "author": "Mariah Haas",
>             "title": "Todd Chrisley, wife Julie settle $2 million Georgia tax-evasion case - Fox News",
>             "description": "\"Chrisley Knows Best\" stars Julie and Todd Chrisley have reached a settlement after allegedly failing to pay
> hundreds of thousands of dollars in income taxes to the state of
> Georgia.",
>             "url": "",
>             "urlToImage": "",
>             "publishedAt": "2019-10-08T23:45:38Z",
>             "content": "\"Chrisley Knows Best\" stars Julie and Todd Chrisley have reached a settlement after allegedly failing to pay
> hundreds of thousands of dollars in income taxes to the state of
> Georgia.\r\nA spokesman for the couple, Allan Mayer, announced on
> Tuesday that the coup… [+2421 chars]"
>         }
>     ] }


  • Your date you are trying to parse is not in the right format. The required format you give is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX.

    This format expects a number for the timezone - even if the number is a zero ('0').

    One workaround for this is to create a second SimpleDateFormat that uses a fallback format treating the 'Z' character as a literal and ignoring it. If your first attempt at parsing fails, catch the exception and try parsing with this format - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'.

    You will also need to override the timezone to force UTC.

    Something like:

        try {
            d = input.parse(articleList[5].publishedAt)
        catch (e: ParseException) {
            try {
                val fallback = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")
                fallback.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")
                d = fallback.parse(articleList[5].publishedAt)
            catch (e2: ParseException) {
                // TODO handle error
