I want search from the list and also render data into that list with a checkbox. it means in this photo I've data already but when I click on the app bar search box and start searching data it will give me the result based on search data.
Here Is the full source code of project. https://github.com/rutvikgumasana/testing
I have implemented a local search for your data in the list. Check below code
initliaise a global list object
List<ServicesByCountry> finalList = new List();
pass your searchQuery in constructor
final BspServiceBloc _bspServiceBloc;
final String searchQuery;
final List<int> servicesIds;
final Map<String, bool> selection;
const BspServiceScreen({
Key key,
@required BspServiceBloc bspServiceBloc,
@required this.servicesIds,
@required this.selection,
}) : _bspServiceBloc = bspServiceBloc,
super(key: key);
then use below code to search
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
if (widget.searchQuery != '') {
lovCountryServices.forEach((ServicesByCountry data) {
if (data.name
.contains(widget.searchQuery.toLowerCase())) {
setState(() {
} else {
data.services.forEach((Service services) {
if (services.name
.contains(widget.searchQuery.toLowerCase())) {
setState(() {
} else {
setState(() {
then pass the final list to your listView widget