I am trying to run a published model into deSolve, and I am wondering how I can get the value of B
at t-tau
for the third equation dH/dt <- phi*B(t-tau)-(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+f^2))-sigma*(F/(F+H)))*H
I can't get it to run so for now I have removed the (t-tau)
part and can run the model in R without it, but this is a crucial part for the mechanisms I want to study.
# Full model
# rigidode <- function(t, y, parms) {
# df <- c*N*F-ya*(F+H)-yb*B
# dB <- L*(f^2/(f^2+b^2))*(H/(H+v))-phi*B
# dH <- phi*B(t-tau)-(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+f^2))-sigma*(F/(F+H)))*H
# dF <- T(a)*(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+f^2))-sigma*(F/(F+H)))*H-mr*M(a)*F
# list(c(dy1, dy2, dy3))
# }
#Now here is the numerical simulation
rigidode <- function(t, y, parms) {
dy1 <- c*N*y[4]-ya*(y[4]+y[3])-yb*y[2]
dy2 <- L*(y[1]^2/(y[1]^2+b^2))*(y[3]/(y[3]+v))-phi*y[2]
dy3 <- phi*y[2]-(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+y[1]^2))-sigma*(y[4]/(y[4]+y[3])))*y[3] #y[2] should be "y[2](t-tau) as B(t-tau)"
dy4 <- Ta*(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+y[1]^2))-sigma*(y[4]/(y[4]+y[3])))*y[3]-m*y[4]
list(c(dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4))
yini <- c(y1=1000, y2=0, y3=16000, y4=8000)
parms <- c(c<-0.033,N<-9,ya<-0.007,yb<-0.0018,L<-2000,b<-500,v<-5000,phi<-1/21,amin<-0.25,amax<-0.25,sigma<-1.3,m<-0.05,Ta<-0.75,tau<-12)
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 600, by = 1)
out <- ode (times = times, y = yini, func = rigidode, parms = parms)
head (out, n = 3)
Honestly, I'm not confident if my answer is correct, but at least give you useful information.
package have a function lagvalue()
to access to past (lagged) values of state variables.
says it is to be used with function dede
(but perhaps with ode()
rigidode <- function(t, y, parms) {
if (t < tau)
lagged_y2 <- 0
lagged_y2 <- lagvalue(t - tau)[2]
if(t == 100) print(lagged_y2) # for check
dy1 <- c*N*y[4]-ya*(y[4]+y[3])-yb*y[2]
dy2 <- L*(y[1]^2/(y[1]^2+b^2))*(y[3]/(y[3]+v))-phi*y[2]
dy3 <- phi*lagged_y2-(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+y[1]^2))-sigma*(y[4]/(y[4]+y[3])))*y[3] # modified line
dy4 <- Ta*(amin+amax*(b^2/(b^2+y[1]^2))-sigma*(y[4]/(y[4]+y[3])))*y[3]-m*y[4]
list(c(dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4))
# parameters are the same as yours.
yini <- c(y1=1000, y2=0, y3=16000, y4=8000)
parms <- c(c<-0.033,N<-9,ya<-0.007,yb<-0.0018,L<-2000,b<-500,v<-5000,phi<-1/21,
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 600, by = 1)
out <- dede(times = times, y = yini, func = rigidode, parms = parms) # use dede
# printed_value
[1] 37022.74
[1] 37022.74
out[100 - 12 + 1,]
# time y1 y2 y3 y4
# 88.00 157425.09 37022.74 59146.39 12862.78