I'm developing an application on Xamarin Android similar to uber but I need to make real-time notifications of travel request, cancellation and location, any idea how to do it?
There are several choices you can choose:
1. Firebase
You can to use Firebase to provide real-time notifications.
By using only two Firebase features, you can create real-time notifications for users: the Firebase Realtime database
for web users , and Firebase Cloud Messaging
for Android users.
What the Firebase Realtime database provides us with is the ability to save, retrieve and sync our data with our NoSQL cloud database. We can sync data across all clients in real time. The Firebase Realtime Database is simply a cloud-hosted NoSQL database and the data is stored as a JSON and synchronized in real time to every connected client.
For more details, you can check: https://www.atlantbh.com/blog/using-firebase-provide-real-time-notifications/
2. SignalR
Azure Mobile Services has SignalR integrated, and Azure Mobile Services provide a SDK for client apps, I suppose it is provide out-of-the box.
You will find many capabilities included in Mobile Services and readily available for your Web API. Mobile push notifications, real-time notifications with SignalR (auto-scaled out), social auth for your consumer apps, offline data sync for occasionally connected scenarios, to name a few.
For more details: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/Articles/2013/11/01/How-To-Use-SignalR-in-iOS-and-Android-Apps.aspx?Page=2
Live Notifications of it keep everyone, and everything, realtime with live notifications across HTTP, SMS, FCM, APNS2 and more.
For more: https://www.pubnub.com/solutions/live-notifications/
4. Pusher
PubNub and Pusher are all offerring real-time infrastructure as a service and all the benefits that come with that. Both of these solutions are pub/sub. Pusher also offers an additional event abstraction: Evented PubSub. For more: https://www.pubnub.com/developers/