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Suggested Configuration for executing K6 scripts on GiLab CI

I have been playing around with K6 performance tests on GitLab CI and I am wondering what is the best and recommended approach for setup.

According to the K6 docs and sample project it defines the .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

  - mkdir -p .k6-bin
  - |
      if [[ ! -f .k6-bin/k6 ]]; then
        curl -O -L;
        tar -xvzf k6-v0.21.1-linux64.tar.gz;
        mv k6-v0.21.1-linux64/k6 .k6-bin/k6;

  key: k6-bin
    - .k6-bin

    stage: test
    script: .k6-bin/k6 run -o cloud loadtests/main.js

I found this to be quite verbose especially when you consider a prebuilt docker image is made available. This approach would require manual updates when new versions are released and doesn’t seem as clean as the following configuration I am currently using:

  stage: test
    name: loadimpact/k6:latest
    entrypoint: [""]
  script: k6 run ./loadtests/main.js

Both work exactly as expected which is why I’m wondering whether the K6 team know something and don’t recommend the use of their docker image?


  • Ah, I am one of the people on the k6 team and in this case you are absolutely right - the docker approach is the better one. We'll fix the documentation and the example repo - I don't know why they advocated the other approach - it was probably an old copy-paste from another CI system that doesn't work as well with containers as GitLab CI does. Case in point, the actual k6 version used is super old - v0.21.1 was released on Jun 4 2018. Thanks for pointing this out, we'll fix the docs and example in the upcoming days, so for now stick with your gut instead of our obsolete docs!