I have a program exporting a spreadsheet, containing headers and some data. I need to protect the headers, but leave the data cells editable.
The problem is, upon setting the worksheet as protected, all the cells become read-only.
So, the approach I am using is to check each of the cells below the header to see if they are not empty, and unlock them if so.
public void formatSpreadsheet(OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet ws)
// autofit columns
for (int i = 1; i <= ws.Dimension.End.Column; i++)
// protect headers/metadata
ws.Protection.IsProtected = true;
int col = 1;
while (ws.Cells[row,col].Value != null)
while (ws.Cells[row,col].Value != null)
ws.Cells[row, col].Style.Locked = false;
Testing for null values like so:
if (ws.Cells[row,col].Value != null) ws.Cells[row,col].Style.Locked = false;
doesn't work.
I have also tried ToString() on the cell values, and it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
Your problem isn't the locking, but your loop that goes through the cells:
while (ws.Cells[row,col].Value != null)
As soon as it hits an empty cell, it will immediately exit the block, and nothing else will be performed.
The following should work fine:
// Lock the worksheet. You can do this here, or in the end. Doesn't really matter.
ws.Protection.IsProtected = true;
// Assuming `HEADER_ROW_OFFSET` is the first row that's not a header,
// we first define a "data" range as starting from the first column of that row,
// to the very last used row & column.
var dataCells = ws.Cells[HEADER_ROW_OFFSET, 1, ws.Dimension.End.Row, ws.Dimension.End.Column];
// Now go through each cell in that range,
foreach (var cel in dataCells)
// and unlock when it has content.
if (cel.Value != null) cel.Style.Locked = false;