In present, I try to make a watchdog for my project.
Also, I want to make a restart timer.
I mean if the few seconds pass, the program will start from first.
Surely, I can use while loop in main function. I don't want this.
I just want to make some class such as a timer or watchdog,
After the main function passes the time I set, I want to let my program start again.
Is there any good idea?
int main(void)
Timer timer(5) // setting my timer to 5 secs
//If time takes over the 5 secs in this loop,
//I want to restart the main loop.
//Do Something...
return 0;
If you can get your code to keep an eye on the clock and voluntarily return after so-many-seconds have elapsed, that's usually the best way; however, since you mentioned a watchdog, it sounds like you don't want to trust your code to do that, so (assuming you have an OS that supports fork()) you can spawn a child process to run the code, and then the parent process can unilaterally kill() the child process after 5 seconds and then launch a new one. Here's an example, with a child process counting a random number of potatoes, one per second; if it tries to count more than 5 of them, it will be killed by the parent process.
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// The code you want to be able to abort and restart would go in here
static void FunctionThatMightTakeALongTime()
srand(time(NULL)); // just so we get different random values each time
const int countTo = (rand()%12)+1;
for (int i=0; i<countTo; i++)
printf("%i potato... (out of %i)\n", i+1, countTo);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
perror("fork"); // fork() failed!?
return 10;
else if (pid == 0)
// We're in the child process -- do the thing
printf("Starting child process...\n");
printf("Child process completed!\n");
return 0;
// We're in the parent/watchdog process -- wait
// 5 seconds, and then if the child process is
// still running, send it a SIGKILL signal to kill it.
// (if OTOH it has already exited, the SIGKILL isn't
// required but it won't do any harm either)
printf("Watchdog: killing child process now\n");
if (kill(pid, SIGKILL) != 0) perror("kill");
// Now call waitpid() to pick up the child process's
// return code (otherwise he'll stick around as a zombie process)
if (waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) == -1) perror("waitpid");
Note: If your OS doesn't support fork()
(i.e. your OS is Windows), this technique is still possible, but it requires the use of Windows-specific APIs and is significantly more work to implement.