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How to map a txt by column and line with FileHelpers lib

I'm wondering how could I get the column items from a txt file and write it on a output after formated.

This is my input.txt

DC   2INCL1   50000             20190802<
DC   2INCL2   50000             20190809<
DC   2INCL3   50000             20190816<
DC   2INCL4   50000             20190823<
DC   2INCL5   50000             20190830<
DC   2INCL6   50000             20190906<
DC   2INCL7   50000             20190913<
DC   2INCL8   50000             20190920<
DC   2INCL9   50000             20190927<

This is how I read input.txt in my c#:

string path = @"c:\Users\Dev-02\Desktop\usingFileHelpers\textfiles\";
var engine = new FileHelperEngine<Cliente>();
var result = engine.ReadFile(path + "input.txt");

I know that static text files with any Delimiter as , I should use [DelimitedRecord(",")]

But in my case I need to read by column and line and after that write it on my output.txt

I'm expecting this output:

1> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL1   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/08/02<
2> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL2   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/08/09<
3> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL3   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/08/16<
4> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL4   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/08/23<
5> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL5   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/08/30<
6> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL6   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/09/06<
7> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL7   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/09/13<
8> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL8   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/09/20<
9> Type:DC   TypeWeb:2INCL9   ValueToPay:50000             Date:2019/09/27<

Thanks in advance


  • The following gives correct results :

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
        class Program
            const string INPUT_FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.txt";
            const string OUTPUT_FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test1.txt";
            static void Main(string[] args)
                List<Column> columns = new List<Column>() {
                    new Column() { name = "Type", type = typeof(string), width = 5},
                    new Column() { name = "TypeWeb", type = typeof(string), width = 9},
                    new Column() { name = "ValueToPay", type = typeof(int), width = 18},
                    new Column() { name = "Date", type = typeof(DateTime), width = 8, inputFormat = "yyyyMMdd", outputFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd"}
                List<List<object>> data = FixedWidth.ReadFile(INPUT_FILENAME, columns);
                FixedWidth.WriteFile(OUTPUT_FILENAME, data, columns);
        public class FixedWidth
            public static List<List<object>> ReadFile(string filename,List<Column> columns)
                List<List<object>> data = new List<List<object>>();
                string line = "";
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename))
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        List<object> newLine = new List<object>();
                        int startPos = 0;
                        foreach (Column column in columns)
                            string col = line.Substring(startPos, column.width);
                            switch (column.type.ToString())
                                case "System.String" :
                                case "System.Int32" :
                                case "System.DateTime":
                                    newLine.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(col, column.inputFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                            startPos += column.width;
                return data;
            public static List<List<object>> WriteFile(string filename, List<List<object>> data,  List<Column> columns)
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename))
                    int rowCount = 1;
                    foreach(List<object> row in data)
                        string line = string.Format("{0}> ", rowCount.ToString());
                        for (int index = 0; index < columns.Count; index++)
                            line += string.Format("{0}:", columns[index].name);
                            switch (columns[index].type.ToString())
                                case "System.DateTime":
                                    line += ((DateTime)row[index]).ToString(columns[index].outputFormat).PadRight(columns[index].width);
                                    line += row[index].ToString().PadRight(columns[index].width);
                return data;
        public class Column
            public string name { get; set; }
            public Type type { get; set; }
            public int width { get; set; }
            public string inputFormat { get; set; }
            public string outputFormat { get; set; }