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recoding based on two condtions in r

I have an example dataset looks like:

data <-"A","B","C","X1_theta","X2_theta","AB_theta","BC_theta","CD_theta"))
colnames(data) <- "category"
> data
1        A
2        B
3        C
4 X1_theta
5 X2_theta
6 AB_theta
7 BC_theta
8 CD_theta

I am trying to generate a logical variable when the category (variable) contains "theta" in it. However, I would like to assign the logical value as "FALSE" when cell values contain "X1" and "X2".

Here is what I did:

data$logic <- str_detect(data$category, "theta")
> data
  category logic
1        A FALSE
2        B FALSE
3        C FALSE
4 X1_theta  TRUE
5 X2_theta  TRUE
6 AB_theta  TRUE
7 BC_theta  TRUE
8 CD_theta  TRUE

here, all cells value that have "theta" have the logical value of "TRUE".

Then, I wrote this below to just assign "FALSE" when the cell value has "X" in it.

data$logic <- ifelse(grepl("X", data$category), "FALSE", "TRUE")
> data
  category logic
1        A  TRUE
2        B  TRUE
3        C  TRUE
4 X1_theta FALSE
5 X2_theta FALSE
6 AB_theta  TRUE
7 BC_theta  TRUE
8 CD_theta  TRUE

But this, of course, overwrote the previous application

What I would like to get is to combine two conditions:

> data
  category logic
1        A FALSE
2        B FALSE
3        C FALSE
4 X1_theta FALSE
5 X2_theta FALSE
6 AB_theta  TRUE
7 BC_theta  TRUE
8 CD_theta  TRUE

Any thoughts? Thanks


  • We can create the 'logic', by detecting substring 'theta' at the end and not having 'X' ([^X]) as the starting (^) character

    data %>%
        mutate(logic = str_detect(category, "^[^X].*theta$"))

    If we need to split the column into separate columns based on the conditions

    data %>%
       mutate(logic = str_detect(category, "^[^X].*theta$"),
              category = case_when(logic ~ str_replace(category, "_", ","),
               TRUE ~ as.character(category))) %>%
       separate(category, into = c("split1", "split2"), sep= ",", remove = FALSE)
    #  category   split1 split2 logic
    #1        A        A   <NA> FALSE
    #2        B        B   <NA> FALSE
    #3        C        C   <NA> FALSE
    #4 X1_theta X1_theta   <NA> FALSE
    #5 X2_theta X2_theta   <NA> FALSE
    #6 AB,theta       AB  theta  TRUE
    #7 BC,theta       BC  theta  TRUE
    #8 CD,theta       CD  theta  TRUE

    Or in base R

    data$logic <- with(data, grepl("^[^X].*theta$", category))

    Another option is to have two grepl condition statements

    data$logic <- with(data, grepl("theta$", category) & !grepl("^X\\d+", category))