I've just updated my MacBook to Catalina. After the update, zsh can't find anymore. In fact, in my .zshrc I had:
export PATH=/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
However, the path /anaconda3/bin doesn't exist anymore. Does that mean that I have lost all of my environment?
You can find the entire anaconda3 environment in a shortcut link named 'Relocated Items' on your desktop. It appears as though the upgrade to Catalina does not allow the Conda environment to be installed under a user directory now likely having to do with the new system volume move to a read-only partition.
This issue has been opened as far back as June 10th, I am a little disappointed that it was not resolved before the Catalina upgrade came around.
There is a solution that appears to work without losing your environment, see this link: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/10998#issuecomment-539215005
From the link:
Copy the folder anaconda3 located in Relocated Items to /Users/myname/
Open Terminal
Enter: export PATH='/Users/myname/anaconda3/bin:$PATH'
Enter: conda init zsh